Students from the Baltic Sea Area in academic education and adult education can apply for scholarships from the Swedish Institute (SI) for studies in Sweden. This scholarship programme is set up in order to promote broader exchange and co-operation between Sweden and the Baltic Sea Area countries.

The Swedish Government has allocated SEK 100 million for this scholarship programme up to and including the year 2000. The programme offers scholarships for Swedish students in academic and adult education to study in the Baltic Sea Area and for students from the Baltic Sea Area in academic and adult education to study in Sweden.

The term "The Baltic Sea Area" here means Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and north-west Russia (The City of St Petersburg, and the provinces of Kaliningrad, Pskov, Novgorod, St Petersburg, Archangelsk, and Murmansk and the Republic of Karelia).

The programme is directed mainly at students, but also at teachers at universities and at institutes of adult education in the Baltic Sea Area and is intended for longer or shorter periods of study or contact visits to Sweden. Administrative staff within the educational areas mentioned above, as well as professionals wishing to pursue further studies, can also be included in the programme.

Full time studies within all disciplines will be considered.

Applicants should have established contact with a suitable host institution in Sweden before applying for a scholarship. If need be, SI can assist in providing information about Swedish institutes of learning.

Scholarships are intended to cover the costs of travel to and from Sweden as well as living costs.

Scholarship holders will be offered the opportunity to increase their knowledge about Sweden, as part of the broader aim of furthering cultural understanding.

Application should be made to the Swedish Institute on a special form ”Scholarships for the Baltic Sea Area - Individual scholarships for studies in or contact visits to Sweden”, obtainable from SI by letter to Svenska Institutet, Box 7434, SE-103 91 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN; by fax on +46 8 20 72 48; by e-mail to or downloaded here below.

Applications for scholarships for studies in Sweden to start in the spring term, 1998 and for visits during the spring of 1998 should be in by 1 October, 1997.

Applicants at a higher academic level should instead apply within the Visby Programme, which is also run by SI.


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